Tanzania Climate

Weather in Tanzania can vary between regions. The country has wet, rainy season and a dry season. The dry season occurs during the month of June to October. There are two rainy seasons; the long rains which fall in March through May and short eains in mid October and continue until Mid December.

Safaris are best enjoyed during the period of Mid December through the beginning of March and during the period of June through mid October of each calendar year.

December  – March: Daytime temperatures rise to an average of 90 F during the day and 65 F at night.

April – May: Daytime temperatures and humidity begins to increase with the onset of long rains.

June – October: Coolest period of the year, although daytime temperature remain at approximately 80 F, with temperatures at night falling to as low as 58 F. The months of September and October see temperatures rising before the short rains begin.

November: Temperatures begin to rise as the dry season approaches, but this is also the time of the short rains which last into early December.

Month Precipitation Maximum Minimum Average Sunlight
in cm F C F C Hours
January 2.6 6.6 88 31 77 25 8
February 2.6 6.6 88 31 77 25 7
March 5.1 13.0 88 31 75 24 7
April 11.4 29.0 86 30 73 23 5
May 7.4 18.8 84 29 72 22 7
June 1.3 3.3 84 29 68 20 7
July 1.2 3.1 82 28 66 19 7
August 1.0 2.5 82 28 66 19 9
September 1.2 3.1 82 28 66 19 9
October 1.6 4.1 84 29 70 21 9
November 2.9 7.4 86 30 72 22 8
December 3.6 9.1 88 31 75 24 8