Selous Game Reserve

Size: 11,512 sq miles
Location: Southeast Tanzania, 285 miles, Southwest of Dar es Salaam

The Selous Game Reserve is one of the largest reserves and largest protected areas in the world. The side of the reserve, stunningly is bigger than Switzerland and has a little human interference and uninhibited

The reserve has a wide variety of wildlife habitats which include open grassland, the acacia and miombo woodlands, swamps and riverine forests in the many tributaries of the mighty Rufiji River flowing through the reserve. The Rufiji River, with its lagoons, sandbanks and lakes, and the surrounding forests and woodlands that make up the Selous create a very unique and unusual safari environment.


The Selous Game Reserve has a broad range of big game, notably: buffalo, hippos, crocodiles, elephants, greater Kudu, zebra, giraffe, wilderbeest velvet and blue monkeys, eland, black and white colubus monkeys among others.

There are over 350 species of bird and reptiles such as snakes, lizards and crocodiles.

How To Get There

The reserve can be accessed by flying from Dar es Salaam. Majority of camps have airstrips for light aircraft so guests can reach the lodges easily.

What To Do (Activities)
Most of the reserve has been set aside for game hunting, although the north section has been designated for photographic safaris. Boat trip along Rufiji River and walking safaris are also popular.

When To Go
This reserve is accessible all year round. Dry season is between June-August; while Wet season is November-March and December- February