Mikumi National Park

Size: 1,250 Square Miles

Location: 175 Miles West of Dar es Salaam and North ofthe Selous Game Reserve

Mikumi National Park is the fourth  largest park in Tanzania part of a much larger ecosystem on the vast Selous Game Reserve.

The park is bordered to the south with Selous Game reserve, the two areas forming a unique ecosystem. The park is also bordered by Uluguru Mountains in the north and Rubeho Mountains to the south-east. The park’s landscape is often compared to that of Serengeti. The Mikata floodplain dominates the park together with the mountain ranges that boarders the park on two sides.


Mikumi National Park is  well-known for the population of elephants, giraffes buffaloes, zebras, elands and wildebeest, leopards, wild hunting dogs and black-backed jackal. Over 400 species of birds also inhibit the park , such as the bateleur eagle, lilac-breated roller and yallow throated longclaw.

How To Get There

Mikumi National Park is accessible by road from Dar-Es- Salaam. Via Morogoro, air from Dar es Salaam and Arusha. There are also road connections to Udzungwa Mountains and Ruaha National Park.

What To Do
Mikumi game drives and guided walks. Visit nearby the Udzungwa Mountains, Ruaha and the Selous Game Reserve.

When To Go

Park can be accessed all year round.