Arusha National Park

Size – 212 Square miles

Location: 35 miles Northeast of Arusha City.

The proximity of Arusha National park to the city makes this park very popular park for day trips. The park is small but varied with spectacular landscapes in three distinct areas. In the west, the Meru Crater funnels the Jekukumia River; the peak of Mount Meru lies on its rim. Ngurdoto Crater in the southeast is grassland. The shallow alkaline Momella Lakes in the northeast have varying algal colors and are known for their wading birds.

The towering and majestic snow capped Mt. Kilimanjaro at 5,895M to the east could be seen on clear days from many locations in the Parks.


While on a Safari in this park, you will notice that elephants are uncommon and lions absent altogether, leopards and spotted hyenas may be seen slinking around in the early morning and late afternoon. Passing first through wooded savannah where buffalos and giraffes are frequently encountered, the ascent of Mt. Meru leads into forests aflame with red-hot pokers and dripping with Spanish moss, before reaching high open heath spiked with giant lobelias.

Other animals in the park include the black and white acrobatic colubus monkey, velvet monkeys, hippos, giraffes and bushbucks.

How To Get There
An easy 40-minute drive from Arusha Town. Approximately 60 km (35 miles) from Kilimanjaro International Airport. The lakes, forest and Ngurdoto Crater can all be visited in the course of a half-day outing at the beginning or end of an extended northern tour.

What To Do (Activities)
Arusha Safari
Game viewing, forest walks, mountain biking, canoeing, numerous picnic sites; three or four-day Mt. Meru climb – good acclimatization for Mt. Kilimanjaro.

When to go
Best time to climb Mt Meru is June through February, although it may rain in November.

Best views of Kilimanjaro are months of December through February