Zanzibar – The ‘ Spice Island’

Size: 637 sq. miles
Location: Indian Ocean, Tanzania Coast

Locally known as ‘unguja’, Zanzibar is a fascinating sun-drenched island, home to endless sandy beaches with fringed coral reefs. Zanzibar covers an area of 1464 Square kilometers and is locate about 25 miles from the Tanzanian coastline. The population of the island is approximately 1 million people, of which 350,000 are found on the Pemba Island. Zanzibar is a part of the United Republic of Tanzania, but considers itself as an autonomous government when it comes to matters that are not part of the union agreement.

The ultimate Indian Ocean experience with its fascinating historical stone town and magnificent tropical white sand beaches. Considered as one of the world’s most beautiful islands, Zanzibar evokes a romantic past.

Different races, including Hindus, Portuguese, Arabians. Chinese, Malaysians and Assyrians settled on this island over centuries and have left an imprint on the people and architecture on the island. Zanzibar is considered the birthplace of Swahili language and culture with its elegant architecture, court yards, bal cons, hand curved doors and mosques. It is on these shores that great European explorers Burton, Speke, Livingstone and Krapf set out their voyages of discovery into the East & Central African Hinterland.

A holiday in Zanzibar is highlighted by the famous spice tour in spices plantations in the countryside where a variety of seasonal spices, tropical fruits and medicinal herbs are grown, making Zanzibar to be known as the spice island. Among the famous spices found in Zanzibar are cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, vanilla and pepper.

Other tours include the old slave caves, ruins of Sultan Sayyid, the old slave market. Absolutely a wonderful island of tropical white sand beaches, an incredible history and fascinating culture.

East Zanzibar – This coastline has some of the beast beaches in the world.

North East Zanzibar – The Nungwi and Kiwenggwa coastlines is where the waves break over coral reefs and sandbar offshore, with low tides exposing pools of starfish, small minnows and anemones.

North Coast – Swimming on this side of the island is much less susceptible to the tides. These areas are so sparse, with a much less number of tourists.

Many tourists prefer to spend their beach bolidays in the North and East Coast of Zanzibar.

How To Get There

Zanzibar can be accessed by air with regional flights from Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Nairobi and  Mombasa. Zanzibar is also accessible by sea with ferries departing hourly from Dar Es Salaam.

What To Do (Activities)

Activities in the island include Fishing, snorking, scuba diving, sun bathing, and swimming, island hopping. Spice and stone town tours are popular and highly recommended.

When To Go
The Island is accessible all year round. Dry season, June-August. Wet season November-March. December- February