Lake Manyara National Park

Size: 127 sq miles

Location: 80 miles west of Arusha city.

Lake Manyara National Park is famous for its tree-climbing lions and is located under the wall of the Great Rift Valley, just below the valley escarpment.

The park has a large variety of habitants and abundant wildlife, including the tree climbing lions which are seen along acacia tree branches. Other animals found in the park include buffalo, elephants, leopards, baboons, wildebeest, zebras, giraffes, ostrich and Hippos, which are seen cooling themselves in the pool along the lake.

Over 350 species of birds are also found in this park, including flamingoes, pelicans, storks, spoonbills, Egyptian gees as well as hammer kops.

Lake Manyara National Park is also famous for its night game drives, canoeing, picnicking, mountain bike tours as well as walking safaris and cultural tours in the nearby Mto WA Mbu village.

Best times to visit are the months of July to October and November through June.