Ruaha National Park

Size: 3,980 sq miles (Tanzania’s 2nd biggest park).
Location: Central Tanzania, 128km (80 miles) West of Iringa.

Ruaha National Park is the second largest national park after Serengeti.  The park derives its name from the Great Ruaha River, which courses along the eastern boundary in a flooded torrent during the height of the rains, but dwindling thereafter to a scattering of precious pools surrounded by a blinding sweep of sand and rock .The Ruaha national park is extremely interesting as it presents the transition zone where the Southern and eastern Africa species of flora and fauna overlap, forming a unique variety of animals, birds and vegetation. Despite recent new alternatives for staying here, Ruaha remains underdeveloped with major tracts still largely inaccessible.


Animals found here include a large population of elephants, presently about 10,000 of them roaming in the park. The impressive array of large predators is boosted by 20-plus lions, cheetahs, both striped and spotted hyena, as well as several conspicuous packs of the highly endangered African wild dog. Other notable animals include the African wild dog, sable antelope, waterbuck, buffalo, impala, and grant gazelle, greater and lesser Kudu.

An estimated 475 bird species make this park a true birdwatchers’ paradise. Among the resident birds include hornbills, crested barbet kingfishers and sunbirds. The white storks are among the many migrants that visit Ruaha.

How To Get There
Scheduled and/or charter flights from Dar es Salaam, Selous, Arusha, Iringa and Mbeya. Year-round road access through Iringa from Dar (about 10 hours) via Mikumi or from Arushavia Dodoma.

What To Do
Activities include game drives, Day walking or hiking safaris.

When To Go
Best time to visit is mid May – Dec (for predators and large mammals while January – April is best time for bird watching, bush scenery, wild flowers.